A non-profit environmental organization
created for the protection, conservation,
and preservation of the human and
natural environment in and around Phoenix,
and the state of Arizona.

A NEW Mission Statement
Arizona Nuclear Energy Watch (ANEW) opposes nuclear power generation and works nonviolently for a sustainable and nuclear-free energy future in Arizona and globally.
Arizona Nuclear Energy Watch (ANEW) opposes nuclear power production by educating and informing the public and elected officials about:
- the true life-cycle costs of nuclear power;
- the actual carbon emissions of nuclear power when the entire life cycle is examined;
- the catastrophic public health risks due to human error, technology failure, terrorist attack and nuclear weapons proliferation;
- the risk to present and future generations resulting from the continued production of high-level radioactive waste;
- the availability of renewable energy alternatives, and
- the flexibility of decentralized power production.
Contact ANEW at AZNuclearEnergyWatch@gmail.com
Nukes Won't Halt Climate Change
Good video regarding why nuclear energy won't solve global warming.
- Nuclear Power and Climate: Why Nukes Can't Save the Planet
- A False Myth of Nuclear Power: Nuclear Power Expansion is No Remedy for
Climate Change
- Ten Reasons Why We Don't Need To Build More Nuclear Power Plants nuclear.html
- "Nuclear Power: the Energy Balance"
by Jan Willem Storm van Leeuwen and Philip Smith
(links to html introduction with table of contents below that links with chapters
published in .pdf) This report examines not only the energy out-put of nuclear power,
but the energy commitments made by using it including long-term energy investments in
reactor decommissioning and waste. http://www.stormsmith.nl/
- "Mirage and Oasis: Energy Choices in and Age of Global Warming -- the trouble with
nuclear power and the potential of renewable energy" by Andrew Simms at the New
Economics Foundation, London. (pdf 56 pages fully referenced) This report establishes
that nuclear power's CO2 emissions are comparable to using natural gas since it is
impossible to use nuclear power without incurring the fossil fuel combustion used to
process and transport uranium. http://www.neweconomics.org/gen/uploads/sewyo355prhbgunpscr51d2w29062005080838.pdf
- Press Statement from Montreal Climate Change meeting by "Nuclear Information and
Resource Service, Sierra Club of Canada and Heinrich Boll Foundation: Nuclear Power --
Threat to the World, No Solution to Climate Change" (3 factoid-packed pages) http://www.nirs.org/climate/background/montrealmmstatement.pdf
- "Nuclear Energy and Climate Change," By Dr. Felix, Chr. Matthes
Felix Matthes convincingly demonstrates in this paper, there is a whole portfolio of
lower-risk options available to fight climate change. Investing in nuclear energy
carries not only considerable health, financial and security risks, it may also prove to
be a dangerous lock-in and dead end. Twenty years after the nuclear disaster of
Chernobyl, any attempts by the nuclear industry to celebrate its revival and to paint
itself as the solution to climate change should be rejected. Policy makers around the
world should learn from its people, who largely resist the use of nuclear energy.
first link is a press statement by Michael Mariotte from Montreal about the report.
Second link is the report. http://www.nirs.org/c20/nrandclimate.htm
- "Nuclear Power: No Solution to Climate Change," Nuclear Information and Resource Service
and World Information Service on Energy, special edition of /The Nuclear Monitor/
February, 2005 (pdf 26 pages includes references) for wider audience. http://www.nirs.org/mononline/nukesclimatechangereport.pdf
Business week article cites hidden carbon emissions in nuclear energy production.
The Oxford Research Group's study states, "The claim of the nuclear industry that nuclear power emits low levels of CO2 and other greenhouse gases is not based on scientifically verifiable evidence."
A study, supported by NASA and Stanford University's Global Climate and Energy Project suggest that wind captured at specific locations, if even partially harnessed, can generate more than enough power to satisfy the world's energy demands. Their report appears in the May 2005 Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, a publication of the American Geophysical Union.
San Francisco Bay Guardian Calls It Nuclear Greenwashing