A non-profit environmental organization
created for the protection, conservation,
and preservation of the human and
natural environment in and around Phoenix,
and the state of Arizona.

2934 West Northview Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85051
Don't Waste Arizona, Inc. (DWA) formally incorporated in the aftermath of the collaborative statewide effort among Arizona citizens, environmentalists, and grassroots groups to stop the proposed ENSCO toxic waste incinerator project. After that victory, we realized that we had learned a lot, and we wanted to help people when new environmental issues arise in their communities from having to "reinvent the wheel." Since then, DWA has helped many people and expanded to work on many different issues and areas of the state, from landfills to refineries, steel mills, and chemical fire disasters to reducing levels of hazardous chemical emissions and environmental risks in our communities. DWA has realized that most people need technical, legal, and practical assistance when there is an environmental problem in our communities, whether it is an old problem or an proposed new facility. DWA realizes that unless we organize to push our government to protect us and our environment, there is certainly no one in government or industry who will. When necessary, DWA will even enforce environmental laws on behalf of its members using the citizen suit provision of federal environmental laws. If you need help with chemical hazards in or proposed for your community, who else can you call for help or suggestions? DWA works to protectArizonans against toxic pollution of our air, water, and land, destruction of our resources, environmental racism, and government cover-ups. DWA works for renewable energy, safe, clean jobs, environmental justice, and economic sustainability.
We need your support to convince our bureaucrats that the public wants a clean environment.
You can help by completing a membership form and returning it to DWA.
Please indicate if you want to be called on to help with issues that will affect your area or that you have a special interest in. DWA requests annual membership dues (tax-deductible) of $25, but will waive all or part of these in lieu of volunteer work. If you wish, you may choose to donate time, money, or both. Your being a member may also be used to help our efforts in court to enforce environmental laws in your area or where you recreate. DWA is here to help you and your community help yourselves.
Name: _______________________________________
Address: _______________________________________
Phone & Fax: _______________________________________
Talents & Credenials _______________________________________
I would like to volunteer for: (Optional)
___phone tree ___distributing fliers locally
___fundraising ___stuffing envelopes
___research ___testifying at public hearings
Other issues I'd like DWA to consider are:
Enforcing environmental laws in my community.