Don't Waste Arizona, Inc

Don't Waste Arizona, Inc.

A non-profit environmental organization created for the protection, conservation, and preservation of the human and natural environment in and around Phoenix, and the state of Arizona.

Chemical Spill

Nukes won't halt Climate Change

1992 Quality Printed Circuits Toxic Fire

DWA has grown into a state-wide organization with a variety of member organizations

Concerned Residents of South Phoenix (CRSP), which formed in 1992 in the aftermath of a toxic chemical fire in their ethnic minority neighborhood, which is comprised mainly of blacks and some Hispanics. The issues clearly center around emergency preparedness and response, with other issues of environmental justice. CRSP proved that the death rate had increased in their area, conducted a health survey documenting increased illness in the area downwind from the toxic fire, and has become involved with citizen suit enforcement of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA). CRSP also participated in the Environmental Equity conference organized by the Commission on the Arizona Environment and DWA. DWA and CRSP are working closely with EPA in San Francisco regarding data researched by DWA showing the toxic chemical fire of concern was indeed an EPCRA Section 304 and a CERCLA 103 release. An EPA Environmental Justice Grant has been awarded to DWA to publish a regular newsletter in South Phoenix to help provide information about the EPA's investigation and to promote a community-based discussion of Environmental Justice issues. An EPCRA awareness video was produced by DWA for the public domain that illustrates this toxic fire and its aftermath.

Don't Waste Arizona, Inc
1991 - 2025

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